Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Sometimes it pays to get lost

Ever get lost on the web? I have. Plenty of times. Damn Google. Sometimes it's about procrastination, other times it's about... well... I guess it's always about procrastination. The surfing starts out innocently enough, where I'm just trying to kill a few minutes between projects. Next thing you know, it's an hour (or two) later, and I'm frantically searching on eBay for a black-and-white photo of Molly Ringwald from her Pretty in Pink days because I've suddenly decided to create a photo gallery dedicated to 80s idols. (True story.) When I'm in that deep, all I can do is click my ruby slippers three times and hope that somehow I find my way home from Oz.

Trouble is, I'm a freelance writer and I can only bill for work I'm actually doing. So unless I have a client who also shares my nostalgic yearning for John Hughes movies, I'm sorta screwed when I waste precious working hours on randomness. But every once in a while, the mindless surfing pays off. And today was one of those days. I don't know how I stumbled upon Communicatrix, but it was worth the trip (pun intended). So as I work on the next installment of The Mrs. Chronicles, I thought this story, written by another quirky writer, was worth sharing. It gave me a new laugh line.

The MRS.

The black hole between okay and fantastic
"I quit smoking about 20 years ago. (Go ahead—applaud. I’ll wait.) Thing is, while my 2-pack-a-day habit wasn’t doing me any favors, neither was it impeding my life in any major way. You X- and Y-ers might not know this, but back in ’87, you could still smoke most places, like…indoors. In your hospital room! Plus lots of other people smoked, too, so you had your pick of people to date and hang out..."

Want to know how it ends? Keep reading